21 research outputs found

    The Viennese Court as a Workplace for Women: Chances and Limits (1700–1750).

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    The Viennese court gave women from all social classes the opportunity to pursue a paid job, which usually would have been denied to them in the early modern period. Moreover, they were given the chance to build a career, even if a limited one. The primary objective of this paper is to analyse historical sources of the Viennese court in order to find out more about the legal, social, and financial status of these employed women, including noble women, commoners, unmarried, married, as well as widowed women, in contrast to their male counterparts. Information about names, functions, salaries and additional payments of these employees can also be found in the sources. An in-depth study of these documents is necessary because non-noble women in particular have been largely ignored by the majority of studies in this field.The Viennese court gave women from all social classes the opportunity to pursue a paid job, which usually would have been denied to them in the early modern period. Moreover, they were given the chance to build a career, even if a limited one. The primary objective of this paper is to analyse historical sources of the Viennese court in order to find out more about the legal, social, and financial status of these employed women, including noble women, commoners, unmarried, married, as well as widowed women, in contrast to their male counterparts. Information about names, functions, salaries and additional payments of these employees can also be found in the sources. An in-depth study of these documents is necessary because non-noble women in particular have been largely ignored by the majority of studies in this field

    Blockbuster Middle Ages. Proceedings of the Postgraduate Conference Bamberg 2015

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    Im Mittelpunkt des aus einer im Jahr 2015 in Bamberg abgehaltenen Nachwuchstagung hervorgegangenen Bandes steht die Mittelalterrezeption in filmischen und seriellen Großproduktionen. Der Blockbuster-Begriff spielt dabei insofern eine wichtige Rolle, als er die mediale Ware ‚Mittelalter‘ sowohl von Produktions- als auch Publikumsseite in den Blick nimmt, die beide an der Erzeugung des Phänomens ‚Blockbuster‘ beteiligt sind. Dass seit dem Aufkommen solcher finanziell hochaufwändigen, auf spektakuläre Schauwerte setzenden Produktionen in den 50er- und 60er Jahren kaum ein Jahr vergangen ist, in denen die Major-Studios nicht einen Mittelalterfilm ‚Marke Hollywood‘ veröffentlicht haben, lässt auf ein anhaltendes ökonomisches Potential mittelalterbezogener Produktionen und damit auf eine stabile Beliebtheit auf Seiten der Rezipienten schließen. Den Gesetzen von Angebot und Nachfrage folgend, beeinflusst das globale Kinopublikum damit zwar einerseits den Filmmarkt mit, gleichzeitig prägen, transportieren und perpetuieren die dadurch entstehenden, international mit großer Reichweite verbreiteten Filme das Mittelalterbild ihrer ZuschauerInnen stark. Die 21 Beiträge des Tagungsbandes widmen sich dem Phänomen ‚Mittelalter im Blockbusterkino‘ inhaltlich, beschäftigen sich aber auch mit der Notwendigkeit seiner Reflexion und den Bedingungen seines gewinnbringenden Einsatzes in Lehre und Unterricht

    Modeling of load-cycles for different consumers and energy-carriers

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    Abweichender Titel nach Übersetzung der Verfasserin/des VerfassersDer Kampf gegen den Klimawandel erfordert den Ausbau von regenerativen Energieträgern, die in ihrer Erzeugung fluktuierend sind. Deshalb ist es für ihren optimalen Einsatz notwendig, genau zu wissen, wann wie viel Energie gebraucht wird. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden in Matlab ein elektrisches und ein thermisches Lastprofile einer Region erstellt, die sich aus den Modulen Wohngebäude, Landwirtschaft, Tourismus, Gewerbe und Öffentliche Einrichtungen zusammensetzten. Das elektrische Lastprofil, das den Strombedarf der Region auf stündlicher Basis abbildet, wurde anhand von Standardlastprofilen erstellt. Der durchschnittliche Bedarf liegt bei 1886 kW, das Maximum bei 3338 kW. Das thermische Lastprofil ist abhängig von der Außentemperatur, tägliche Bedarfe reichen von 11 205 kWh bis 203 911 kWh. Anhand von Wetterdaten wurden zudem Modelle für Photovoltaik und Windenergie erstellt und mit dem elektrischen Lastprofil verglichen. Das elektrische Lastprofil wurde in weiterer Folge in der Simulationssoftware Homer Pro verwendet, um das Modell auch auf ökonomische Beine zu stellen. Das gefundene, optimale System zur Stromversorgung besteht aus einer 24,7-MW-Photovoltaikanlage, vier 2-MW-Windturbinen und Speichern mit einer Speicherleistung von 37 MWh. Die Energiegestehungskosten des Systems belaufen sich auf 7,46 ct/kWh. Die erstellten Lastprofile können in weiterer Folge verwendet werden, um die Energieversorgung der Region umfassender zu modellieren und als Basis zur Simulation von Zukunftsszenarien dienen.Challenging climate change requires the expansion of renewable energy sources. Due to their volatile nature and for optimal use and sizing they demand for a deeper understanding of when and how their energy is needed. This work aims to create an electrical and a thermal load profile in Matlab for a whole region consisting of the modules residential buildings, agriculture, tourism, industry and commerce, and public facilities. Firstly, the electrical load profile was modelled using standardised load profiles resulting in a curve that maps the demand of the region on an hourly basis with an average demand of 1886 kW and a peak load of 3338 kW. The thermal load profile provides dependence from ambient temperature with daily demand ranging from 11 205 kWh to 203 911 kWh. Based on actual weather data, models for photovoltaics and wind power were created and compared with the electrical load profile. The electrical load profile was subsequently introduced into the simulation software Homer Pro in order to put it in an economic perspective. Through optimization, an ideal system of a 24.7 MW photovoltaic system, four 2 MW wind turbines and storage with a nominal capacity of 37 MWh was found with levelized cost of energy of 7.46 ct/kWh. The created load profiles can subsequently be used to model the region's energy supply more comprehensively and as a basis for simulating future scenarios.6

    Von Obersthofmeisterinnen, Hofzuckerbäckerinnen und Leibwäscherinnen

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    The Viennese court gave women from all social classes the opportunity to pursue a paid job, which usually would have been denied to them in the early modern period. Moreover, they were given the chance to build a career, even if a limited one. The primary objective of this paper is to analyse historical sources of the Viennese court in order to find out more about the legal, social, and financial status of these employed women, including noble women, commoners, unmarried, married, as well as widowed women, in contrast to their male counterparts. Information about names, functions, salaries and additional payments of these employees can also be found in the sources. An in-depth study of these documents is necessary because non-noble women in particular have been largely ignored by the majority of studies in this field

    „Formalisierte Gnade“. Das Supplikationswesen am Wiener Hof im 18. Jahrhundert am Beispiel supplizierender Reichshofräte. Beiträge zur Rechtsgeschichte Österreichs|Beiträge zur Rechtsgeschichte Österreichs Band 2 / 2015|

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    This article aims at investigating how 18th century Imperial Aulic counsillors came to enjoy salaries and old-age pensions in an era before these were legally standardized. As functionaries in the emperor’s service, they were not only the addressees of supplications, but would also act as petitioners themselves. In order to receive recompense for their professional tasks, they had to submit written appeals which then would be graciously granted by the emperor. In the course of 18th century processes of bureaucratization, salaries and old-age pensions were increasingly disassociated from the emperor’s lifetime and would no longer expire upon the emperor’s death. This process culminated in the first Pensions Act (Pensionsnormale) decreed by Joseph II in March 1781, thus ensuring better pension benefits for state servants and their family members

    High Body Mass Index is Associated with Elevated Blood Levels of Progerin mRNA

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    Obesity is a well-described risk factor resulting in premature aging of the cardiovascular system ultimately limiting longevity. Premature cardiac death and aging is the hallmark of Hutchinson–Gilford syndrome (HGPS), a disease caused by defined mutations in the lamin A gene leading to a shortened prelamin A protein known as progerin. Since small amounts of progerin are expressed in healthy individuals we aimed to investigate the association of Body-Mass-Index (BMI) with respect to expression of progerin mRNA in blood samples of patient with known cardiovascular disease. In this cross-sectional retrospective analysis, 111 patients were consecutively included of which 46 were normal (BMI < 25 kg/m2) and 65 overweight (BMI ≥ 25.0 kg/m2). Blood samples were analyzed for quantitative expression of progerin mRNA. Progerin as well as high-sensitive C-Reactive Protein (hs-CRP) levels were significantly upregulated in the overweight group. Linear regression analyses showed a significant positive correlation of BMI and progerin mRNA (n = 111; r = 0.265, p = 0.005), as well as for hs-CRP (n = 110; r = 0.300, p = 0.001) and for Hb1Ac (n = 110; r = 0.336, p = 0.0003). Our data suggest that BMI strongly correlates with progerin mRNA expression and inflammation. Progerin might contribute to well described accelerated biologic aging in obese individuals

    Upregulation of the aging related LMNA splice variant progerin in dilated cardiomyopathy.

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    Mutations in the LMNA gene are a common cause (6-8%) of dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) leading to heart failure, a growing health care problem worldwide. The premature aging disease Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome (HGPS) is also caused by defined mutations in the LMNA gene resulting in activation of a cryptic splice donor site leading to a defective truncated prelamin A protein called progerin. Low levels of progerin are expressed in healthy individuals associated with ageing. Here, we aimed to address the role of progerin in dilated cardiomyopathy.mRNA expression of progerin was analyzed in heart tissue of DCM (n = 15) and non-failing hearts (n = 10) as control and in blood samples from patients with DCM (n = 56) and healthy controls (n = 10). Sequencing confirmed the expression of progerin mRNA in the human heart. Progerin mRNA levels derived from DCM hearts were significantly upregulated compared to controls (1.27 ± 0.42 vs. 0.81 ± 0.24; p = 0.005). In contrast, progerin mRNA levels in whole blood cells were not significantly different in DCM patients compared to controls. Linear regression analyses revealed that progerin mRNA in the heart is significantly negatively correlated to ejection fraction (r = -0.567, p = 0.003) and positively correlated to left ventricular enddiastolic diameter (r = 0.551, p = 0.004) but not with age of the heart per se. Progerin mRNA levels were not influenced by inflammation in DCM hearts. Immunohistochemistry and Immunofluorescence analysis confirmed increased expression of progerin protein in cell nuclei of DCM hearts associated with increased TUNEL+ apoptotic cells.Our data suggest that progerin is upregulated in human DCM hearts and strongly correlates with left ventricular remodeling. Progerin might be involved in progression of heart failure and myocardial aging

    PCR strategy for the detection of progerin expression in heart and blood.

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    <p><b>A</b> Schematic overview of PCR based strategy to analyze progerin mRNA expression in human heart and the blood samples. Shown are the consensus donor splice sequence at the end of exon 11, the sequence of the normal LMNA cryptic splice site, and two common known mutated cryptic splice sites in HGPS patients. <b>B</b> First row: PCR gel showing total lamin A (first arrow) and small amounts of progerin expression (arrow showing Δ150bp band). Second row: Specific progerin expression utilizing primers spanning exon 11 to 12. Third row: RPL32 expression was used for relative quantification of progerin expression. G: Genomic DNA (G) did not reveal any significant LMNA bands in the gel verifying specific mRNA expression.</p